

Environmental Education: let’s be concerned! FRANCE, Normandie July 27 - August 4

The training project was on pedagogy in education to the environment to an audience of leaders and responsible youth with and without experience coaching all age groups. It was taken place in the department of La Manche, France.

It primarily aimed to try to standardize pedagogical approaches with partners to develop a common culture in pedagogy from the exploitation of our differences. We created a dynamic education about eco-citizenship. We raised awareness to the public that we encounter on a daily basis the need for a responsible attitude towards involvement in the protection of our environment.

We alternated outdoor activities with theoretical time in the room, the time of discovery of the natural environment with work in sub-groups, meetings with managers of protected areas of communication participants. The participants took part in mini projects maintenance or management of the areas concerned. Serund Pan-Armenian Youth Center was presented by Tigran Shadunts

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