"World Water for Youth" is a youth exchange organized by Serund Pan-Armenian Youth Center". The project objective is to focus attention of young people on importance of freshwater resources and their preservation. Then sessions and workshops will take place in Armenia.
The fourth day was a little different, as we had a very interesting workshop. After an awesome breakfast we started our conference and discussed a lot of important issues, but there was a surprise for our participants: Our trainers divided the participants into 4 groups and gave them some interesting tasks to do. After having a little rest, we moved to overcome the given tasks.
The group members had to go to the city, do some interviews on water importance in our daily life and not only. It is interesting, that the groups had to take photos and make videos of the interviews, so it would look like a real interview. All the groups had to go to a certain place and take a group photo. The meaning of this task was to let our participants know much about Tsakhadzor city. For the group members it was a very interesting workshop, as all of them enjoyed the sunny weather and the city with its all beauty.
After our interesting
workshop at the city we moved back to the hotel to prepare for the
intercultural evening. This day it was Portugal’s, Greece’s, Georgia’s and
Czech Republic’s intercultural evening. The day was completely beneficial with
its all difficulties and, on the other hand there were many happy moments.
Project financed by European Commission (Youth in Action)