

TC Creative Bodies - Latvia, 11-19.09.2013

On September 11-19 training course Creative Bodies was designed for youth workers and educators to learn to foster creativity of groups, teams and individual learners. Innovative methodological approach will be used that will combine embodied learning elements with brainstorming and creative problem solving techniques.

Main aim of the project was to improve participants’ creative abilities and skills to use creative thinking strategies and tools in the work with groups and teams.
During the course, participants gained the knowledge and skills necessary to implement in their work of eight different creative thinking strategies, as well as create and test ideas aimed at improving the environment and the well-being of their communities with the technology.

The training course was held in Riga, Latvia, and
gathered 28 participants and experts from Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Armenia was represented by “Serund Pan-Armenian Youth Center”.
This project is funded with support from the European Commission.

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