

World Water for Youth , Armenia, April 6 (5th session day)

"World Water for Youth" is a youth exchange organized by Serund Pan-Armenian Youth Center". The project objective is to focus attention of young people on importance of freshwater resources and their preservation. Then sessions and workshops will take place  in  Armenia.

The session day began with a great trip to the mineral water sources which are called Arjaghbyur and Katnaghbyur. On the way to water sources, we learned how  to find and  use water in nature.. All of us also learned interesting information how to make a compass by the help of water, a leaf and a needle. This was really useful information for orientating in extreme situations.

 Enjoying the wonderful nature of Tsaghkadzor we were walking on the pristine snow and eventually arrived in Katnaghbyur and Arjaghbyur. We drank water from Katnaghbyur, which was very healthy and rich with natural components and minerals. In the end of our trip we visited Kecharis Monastery Complex. All the time simultaneously we were making photos and really spending our time happily.

We reached our hotel very tired, but full of great memories and excited about our trip.  After this awesome trip we finally started to work on the media part of our project.

Project realized  with the support of the Youth in Action programme of the European Union


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